Sunday, July 9, 2017

Case Study on Secretary

Qualities of a Secretary

Miss. Alisha Shetty has been working as a secretary for Mrs. Ahuja for the past 9 years. As a secretary she has to do certain tasks like handling correspondence, financial transactions etc. Alisha is a graduate with a special training in being a secretary.  From this training Alisha has learnt to be very precise in her tasks. She is always on time to her work and to all the meetings. All her records and transactions are perfect and accurate without any errors.

Alisha also travels to various countries along with Mrs. Ahuja for business purposes. Alisha is quick to adapt to any new situation or location. Alisha is always active and focused in her work. She concentrates carefully during any important event. Alisha has a good memory power. She remembers all the minute details that occurs during business meetings and transactions and makes a note of them in her records. Alisha is very tactful and she shows skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult and sensitive issues. These qualities make Alisha a very good secretary.

What qualities are necessary to become a secretary?

Name few duties of a secretary.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Role Play On Use Of Advertisements

Role-play is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience and trial different strategies in a supported environment.

Role playing allows someone to assume the role of another person and practice their behavior, choices, and words to gain deeper understanding of someone else. Teachers can use role playing to make their lessons come to life and resonate with students.

Role play activity was conducted on the topic "Use of Advertisements."